
Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Key Stage 4 covers the fourth and fifth years of study at St Clement Danes (Years 10 & 11). We have produced a comprehensive curriculum booklet to inform students and parents about the curriculum structure, homework expectations, assessment and reporting.

The curriculum booklet can be accessed below. The booklet also makes reference to the GCSE options booklets which have previously been issued to parents of students when they are in Year 9. The latest options booklet can also be accessed below. For further information about the curriculum please contact the school and ask to speak with Miss Ryan (Deputy Headteacher). 


Page Downloads File Size  
SCD Parent Guide Google Classroom 659.46 KB Download
KS4 Curriculum Date  
Year 9 Option Brochure 2024 2026 28th Aug 2024 Download
KS4 Curriculum Booklet 2024 25 28th Aug 2024 Download